Spotlight: Horos at the Treviso Hospital in Italy

The origins of Italian neurosurgery date back to the 6th millennium BC near present day Pescara, Italy. It is here that archaeologists unearthed the skull of a woman showing evidence of a surgical procedure by the parietal bone and intraparietal suture. What’s truly remarkable is that evidence in the bone shows that the patient most likely survived the procedure and in fact died a year later. While today, neurosurgeons are not reaching for sharpened stones as scalpels, they most certainly are using Horos to get a closer look at what is going on in the brain….

Spotlight: Horos in Intensive Care, UK

One of Horos’ greatest strengths is its ability to support the medical education community. While expensive viewing solutions might be an option for large hospitals, they are not the most economic choice for students and those in educational roles. Each field in medicine has need for such a product. When you really think about it, trainees are already paying enough for certification. Horos enables them to not break the bank and set foot on the path to an accomplished future....

Spotlight: Horos in Egypt

One of the biggest reasons why we at Horos decided to keep the project open source and free for all users is because not everyone can afford an expensive solution. Not everyone is a large hospital corporation with the means to provide its staff with pricey alternatives. That’s the reason why researchers and students around the world choose Horos. It also is a large reason why the product has such appeal in the global radiology community. It serves their purpose without breaking the bank.