How Horos Enables Neurosurgeons To Reconstruct Cervical Spine Foramina

Written by P. Varma | Apr 13, 2018 3:00:00 PM

Brazil as a nation has one of the largest Horos user populations in the world. Provided that Horos is present in 160 countries, that is a rather interesting statistic. While Horos users come from all corners of the globe, and range from a wide spectrum of specialties and professions, this spotlight introduces you to a neurosurgeon in Brazil, and how Horos has brought immense value to his career, his team, and his patients.

Meet Dr. Ricardo Guimaraes

Dr. Guimaraes is a neurosurgeon at the Hospital Universitario Cajuru in Paraná, Brazil. He has been using Horos for over a year now, because according to him, the open source DICOM viewer he had previously been using had become “annoying”. As a neurosurgeon, Dr. Guimaraes sees patients that need brain and spine surgery. When these patients come to his office, this specialist wants to go above and beyond the reports provided by the radiologists. Dr. Guimaraes is dedicated to delivering great patient care and thus with the help of Horos, he has developed a spine acquisition protocol which allows him to reconstruct spinal MRIs in a 3D multiplanar fashion. This esteemed neurosurgeon has admitted: “those are my standards, thanks to Horos”.

For the most part, Dr. Guimaraes uses Horos to view MRIs and CTs. The MPR function is his favorite as it helps him gives his patients a better understanding of their images as they pertain to a diagnosis.

One of the projects that Dr. Guimaraes has used Horos with includes the development of that spinal acquisition protocol we just told you about. He had done this while working in conjunction with his imaging team. Essentially, it allows him to reconstruct cervical spine foramina in its anatomical plane. In his opinion this is only way to perform a complete study of these structures.

Final Thought

The greatest value that Horos has provided Dr. Guimaraes is independence from the imaging department, and according to him there is finally a reliable option out there for a fully featured open source DICOM medical viewer. Now, while Brazil may hold one of the highest download rates for Horos around the world, there are many other users out there with awesome Horos stories. If you have a story you would like to share about the way you use Horos, we want to hear about it and share it with the community!